Thursday 21 January 2010

Treat Your Friends - Valentine's Day

Image thanks to

As promised, here are some ideas for Valentine's Day if your single. Remember that you don't have to celebrate Valentine's, you could just make it another excuse to spend quality to with friends. So here you go, how to celebrate with friends:

Write a song about all the good times you and your friends have had together and sing it to them! Alternately, record your song onto CD and send to them.
Go for a meal together.
Treat both of you to a pamper day at a local spa.
Fill balloons with little treats and cover your whole room floor with them, get some cake and and have a mini party!
Buy them a good book to read.
Hire a movie and get popcorn, Pepsi and sweets and relax.
Make your own vouchers which contain things like "I owe you a back massage", "Buy me a drink", "Treat me to a homemade meal ", etc. And can be redeemed whenever.
Buy them some choccies.
Do your friend a favour, like tidy their room or mow their lawn.
Get them a years's subscription to their favourite magazine.
Write a thoughtful message in chalk on a wall close by their house so everyone can read it.

Frame a picture of the two (or more) of you and give it to them.


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