Monday 16 August 2010

Craving Motivation?

Image thanks to vxdigital

Today I found myself feeling really bad about neglecting my blog and letting all of you who read it down and I want to make it up to all of you. Recently I've had no motivation at all and I thought, "why the hell am I acting like this?" And I hate making excuses as well! 

So this is my mid year resolution! I'm going to get back into my blog and not neglect it. Although I've been putting a lot of effort into my work experience and personal life, which are both really important to me, I miss being able to blog and express myself! So this is me telling myself (and everyone who is reading this) that I am going to get back into the swing of things and get back into the frame of mind.

Sometimes though getting motivated is a lot harder than it seems and don't I know it.

Generally, if there is something you hate doing, you're less likely to want to do it. And if you enjoy it then you're more likely to want to do it. Also, I find that the longer things are put off, the harder it is to get motivated. So sorting that letter out, getting out and getting a job, etc. is better not left till the very last minute. But how do you go about this? 

Figure out when you're in the best frame of mind to do that certain thing. For example, studying needs major motivation sometimes from me and I find that I'm more motivated in the evening and definitely not the morning. But you might find that evenings are the time when you feel relaxed and have no push at all and so mornings might be best for you. Once you've realised when the best time is, maybe make a timetable if it's something that requires regular attention. Put the timetable somewhere which you see every day, on your fridge, at your computer desk, even in the bathroom. Putting it somewhere like that will remind you every day what it is you are working towards or what it is that needs sorting. Have a think whether a timetable would suit the way you are however, as some people don't work will under rigid rules and will only make you want to rebel! 

Sometimes I find that writing your goals down helps so much more. I write my goals on my blog and find it helps sort my brain out and organise myself so why not try this? Give yourself a time limit too, and don't make the goals too far flung. Maybe even set alerts on your mobile or work calendar to remind yourself! If you want further info, have a read of this: Characteristics of effective gaols which has some helpful ideas to think about when setting yourself goals. 

Break your big goals into little, more manageable goals. Think about your big goals for example: Get A grades on my assignments, but this really doesn't help you achieving this. Think about how you are going to achieve this goal, for example: Create timetable to follow and get help with anything I don't understand. These seem less intimating and you are probably more likely to follow these.

Remember not to push yourself too far. Goals are a good thing but sometimes you really can over-do yourself by working too hard. When I started my first year at university I was struggling to balance work, personal and academic life and one of those was sacrificed, mostly academically as I found my grades weren't as good as hoped. This year however I've learnt from my mistakes and have started to plan ahead and will not be pushing myself like I was before. Always remember you need time to relax, go shopping, see friends etc. and planning ahead will help this.

Get help if you need it. The last thing you want to do is set yourself all these goals and feel like you are out of your depth. Getting help from family, friends, etc. really does work wonders - I know from personal experience. Speak to people, discuss your goals, even involve them in the things you're doing and it really will help. Not only does an extra person motivate you to keep going, but you will spur each other on and reach your goal quicker.

If friends or family aren't available, why not search the internet for like-minded forums and join in, especially if it's a long term goal like losing weight or exercising. My mum regularly uses forums for advice and information which she might not have got from me or friends. 

Need some further advice? Zen habits shows you how to get off your butt, or getting motivated when your down. Check out getting motivated with your to-do list using programs that may help you.

I hope this has helped you to motivate yourself, let me know your ways you get yourself motivated as I would love to hear them!


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