Sunday 31 January 2010

Make Up or Break Up?

Image thanks to ~sherani

It's a tough question. Have you ever been in that position where you feel you don't love your boyfriend/girlfriend anymore or are bored and don't know what to do about it? Should you work at the relationship or do you feel things won't change?

We all know that the honeymoon period does eventually fade away and things may not be the same as they were when you and your partner first got together, but there was a reason why you chose this person to be with. If you feel things aren't working but aren't sure whether to work at the relationship, think about the following, which may help you to decide:

Firstly, is the relationship hindering you rather than progressing? For example, has you confidence gone down hill or have you lost contact with family and friends recently? If your partner is stopping you from enjoying other relationships or maybe it is even abusive then staying in this relationship is not going to help you. Having the confidence to break free is extremely important and it is unlikely your partner is going to change.

Next think about how you would feel if you did split up. Do you think you would fall apart at the thought of being apart from this person? Or would you feel finally free to do what you want? If it is the former, then maybe trying to work on the relationship would help, espeically if you still have feeling for the person.

The length of time you have been together can affect your decision. For example, if you have been together for many years then maybe it's worth giving the relationship a second chance. But if you've only been together, say, a few weeks and things are going sour so early then possibly this isn't worth chasing.

What is the reason for making you want to finish the relationship? Maybe it's differences in belief? If so then can you both agree to disagree and respect each other's view? Or maybe one of you is moving to a new town/city. How would the relationship work with the distance between the two of you.

Finally, the decision is completely up to you. Deep down you know what you want to do and whether trying to make the relationship work will help at all. And if things don't work out in the end then you know you've given everything you can into it. So good luck with the decision!


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