Wednesday 30 September 2009

Tips for Safe Drinking

While university is about doing the work to achieve the grade that you want, it is also about having fun and no doubt there will be plenty of very cheap drinks on offer. As a student you are now on a budget and so the doubles for £2 is a god send but you need to know your limits especially if you have a lecture the next morning. You don't want your grades to fall because you didn't drink safely! I have a few tips which my parents have told me over the years which I find particularly useful if you want to avoid hang overs and telling yourself you'll never drink again.

1. Know your limits.   

Men: As a rule, health experts say that a man should not regularly drink more than 3-4 units a day. In real terms, this means blokes shouldn't exceed two pints of lager or beer, or three glasses of wine a day.
Women: Health experts recommend women should not regularly exceed 2-3 units a day. In real terms this is a pint or a couple of glasses of wine a day. (this information was from here)

2. Eat a good meal before you leave. This was drummed in to me by my dad that a good fulfilling meal before you leave significantly reduces how quickly you get drunk and I'm sure a lot of you guys know what it's like if you don't eat before going out drinking. It reduces the time your body takes to soak up the stuff so I would definitely do this.

3. do the 1-off-1-on rule. Have an alcoholic drink and then once you've finished it have a glass of tonic water or coke in between. Although it may be like a chore when your out, it stops you from drinking huge amounts but by the time the night is done you won't be so paralytic that you can't walk home. 

4. Once you get home have another large glass of water/milk/soft drink before you go to bed. This may reduce the effects of a hangover the next morning so I would definitely recommend this.

5. Have a break from alcohol now and then. Even if it is just 1 day a week it gives your body a chance to rest and recover.

So there you go, simple little things to remember when out that will help reduce or take away the hangover the next morning. :)



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