Monday 29 March 2010

How To Have The Best Year Yet

Image thanks to abbyy_doll

Have you ever thought, "what's the point"? Or why our lives revolve around money so much? Or are you waiting for that special someone to sweep you away and make your life amazing? There are so many expectations we have for our lives that we forget about the basic things that make us happy and are constantly criticising everything we do. I have felt like this on many occasions and can totally relate if you feel the same way. But, human beings are naturally creative and curious creatures, therefore, we all strive for better things. So, what are you waiting for?? 

I know it isn't as easy as changing your life in an instant. It takes time and your determination. That's why I've put a few helpful hints together for you to achieve the life you want which starts today!

As I stated above, many of us have the mindset that we should please those around us and should conform to what everyone else is doing. But this is completely unhealthy for us, so how do we break free from this?

First off, think about all the things which you question. Be it your relationship, your job, the course you currently study, and so on. Why is it that you are unhappy with certain aspects of these things but are so unwilling to change your circumstances? Write it down so you can tackle them one by one. 

Now, think about how you can improve these things and break free from the constraints of society. Think specifically how you are going to go about this. From the littlest things like listening to the music which you actually enjoy, and not what your friends enjoy, to getting out of that relationship which you no longer want to be in. Although the latter sounds drastic, if it is the relationship which you are currently in that is holding you back then you need to let go. 

You also need to be determined and believe in yourself. Giving up and being stuck is the easy way out, but it also a life sentence of unhappiness. By believing in the things you want and how you are going to get them is different to just wanting. Telling yourself that you deserve to be happy over and over will eventually stick. So, look at the things you wrote down earlier and think about how your life will change once you've changed them. Do it over and over and it won't look so daunting after all.

Setting yourself goals, and when you want to achieve these is also a fantastic way to push yourself. But try not to push yourself too much by setting short time limits, or by being too vague by setting long ones. Be realistic in these goal limits and you will feel better about it and will want to achieve these.

Be optimistic and assertive! I cannot stress how important these two things are, especially with your goals. Being optimistic gives you that confidence to believe you can achieve anything you want and makes you push for those things. So next time you are having doubts about your goals for this year, don't think you can't do it, tell yourself that you CAN do it and that you WILL! Being assertive your new mindset stops you from relapsing back to the old way of thinking. So don't question yourself, be strong and tell yourself what you want to do. 

Finally, sometimes taking time out to relax and unwind from our hectic lifestyles really really helps. If you feel as though you need time to sort your life out before changing any of the things I mentioned above, why pack up and have a holidays on your own or with mates? Road trips, beach holiday, camping, you name it, do it! It will really help you relax and sort yourself out. 

And remember::

Living life according to other people does not allow you to breathe and be free! Although being different takes confidence and is proven to be harder than just 'fitting in' it will only benefit you in the long run.


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