Sunday 17 January 2010

Valentine's day

Image thanks to findstuff22

Well it's nearly the end of January and in a couple of weeks it will be Valentines Day! For many single people out there it just reminds us that we are single at the most romantic time of the year and for others it is just another money fuelled holiday created by capitalism. But, for me, it is another way of showing your appreciation of someone and I still do love te excitment of what is to follow. But I struggle with coming up with new ideas. If you're in the same situation to me then here are some which you may want to try!

Cook them a meal before they get home and enjoy by candlelight. Alternately, serve them breakfast in bed with bucks fizz.

Create a treasure hunt for your partner with a little prize at the end.

Decorate the room with flowers/chocolates/roses.

Make a photo album or scrapbook of all the fun times you have had together.

Hand make your very own Valentines card for your partner.

Offer yourself up as their slave for the day, allowing them to tell you to do anything they ask!

Throw a buffet for the both of you which can be as extravagant or simple as you like.

Book both of you into a seedy hotel and enjoy a dirty weekend away!

Fill up the bath with bubbles and decorate with petals. Add champagne for two and jump in.

Go for a picnic in the local park.

Take some sexy pictures of yourself and put in their card.

Book a night of ballroom dancing for the two of you. If you've never done it before - even better!

I hope these have been useful, for those guys who are single, I will be adding a guide soon about how to enjoy Valentine's day without having to be with someone :)


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